Experience shows that worksite wellness is a big part of every high-quality health plan.
We take exception with a recent JAMA study that said wellness simply isn’t working. While we could point out many reasons why their assessment is short-sighted, our main objection is that their viewpoint was based on the assumption that all wellness programs are the same. Not true!
Corporate Fitness & Health, our worksite wellness subsidiary, has designed, implemented and maintained customized corporate wellness programs for businesses since 1985 – long before worksite wellness became a common part of the employee benefits landscape.
After serving as a consulting resource for clients around the country, CF&H knows that like health plans, there are no cookie-cutter solutions to worksite wellness. Our experience in both the fully-insured and self-funded markets helps CF&H design programs that work because they target the risks driving healthcare costs.
One thing we will concede is that short-term returns from wellness are tough to come by. Health is complex and you simply cannot influence behavior overnight. Yet, CF&H generates 80% participation in the corporate wellness programs it manages and 61% say their program has lowered healthcare costs.
Fostering a culture of wellness within an organization does take time. But when long-term health and well-being, employee attraction and retention and developing a sense of community within the work space are at stake, the investment is more than worthwhile.
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