Expanding HRA Options Effective 2020


On June 13, 2019, The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury issued the final rule expanding health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) which allows employers greater flexibility in the breadth and scope of HRAs available for their employees. Background: Since 2013, regulations have prohibited employers from paying for an employee’s individual health insurance policy [...]

Expanding HRA Options Effective 20202019-06-25T08:00:06+00:00

IRS Publishes PCOR Fees through September 2019


The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund fee is a fee on issuers of health insurance policies and plan sponsors of self-insured health plans that helps to fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), which was established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The institute assists, through research, patients, clinicians, purchasers and policy-makers, in making informed [...]

IRS Publishes PCOR Fees through September 20192019-01-18T10:32:44+00:00

IRS Releases Adjusted PCOR Fee


The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund fee is a fee on issuers of health insurance policies and plan sponsors of self-insured health plans that helps to fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), which was established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The institute assists, through research, patients, clinicians, purchasers and policy-makers, in making health decisions by [...]

IRS Releases Adjusted PCOR Fee2018-11-08T16:28:39+00:00

Comparing Spending Accounts


If your health plan is like most, finding ways to help members manage healthcare expenses is a top priority. Offering one or more tax advantaged healthcare spending account can help. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) – Employers and employees can contribute to an HSA tax free and funds can roll over from year to year. To [...]

Comparing Spending Accounts2016-10-06T07:00:27+00:00
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