Rick Parrett

Vice President of Underwriting, Diversified Group

Get to Know Rick

Rick had prior experience as a medical claims adjuster before joining Diversified in 1987 in that same position. Since then, he has advanced to Vice President of Underwriting. Rick works most with the carriers, explaining to them the unique cost cutting programs that Diversified offers and negotiating the most competitive rates for our clients.

With decades of industry experience, Rick feels the role of a third party administrator (TPA) has really evolved for the better. Traditionally, a TPA was seen as only a manager of health plans. But, with all the recent changes in health insurance, primarily healthcare reform, a TPA is now seen as an expert and a true healthcare benefits advisor.

“Clients and members are benefitting. The advice and the help that Diversified gives our clients when they are navigating through healthcare reform really differentiates us from our competitors and our clients recognize this.”

The changes in health insurance really have impacted different groups of people in different ways. Not only has the cost of health insurance increased, so have the costs of healthcare services. Diversified’s clients struggle to comply with healthcare reform regulations. Today, plan members really face a lack of transparency when trying to choose the best medical provider. Determining what a particular service or treatment will cost is very difficult, especially when in-hospital care is required.

Diversified Group offers cost cutting programs not available from most TPAs and they work with strategic partners to really benefit their clients.

▪ Bachelor’s Degree in English from Fairfield University
▪ Paralegal Degree from University of Bridgeport

Professional Background
▪ Medical Claims Adjuster at Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of CT
▪ Joined Diversified Group in 1987

In his spare time, Rick enjoys spending time on his boat and fishing. He likes to relax in Cape Cod with his wife, Kathy, and his two dogs. Rick’s favorite vacation spot is Cozumel, Mexico. He enjoys baseball most and his favorite team is the Boston Red Sox.



Diversified Group Brokerage
Specializing in Self-Funded Health Benefit Plans for more than 50 years.
Diversified Administration Corporation
Responsible for eligibility, claims adjudication, payments & customer service.
Corporate Managed Health Services
Saving you time & money while ensuring that members receive quality care.
Corporate Health & Fitness
Helping you foster a culture by making employee health an investment.