Supporting Employees During These Stressful Times


For many of us, the start of another week means trudging downstairs to a make-shift office, in our sweats, with the dog following close behind. It means balancing 8th grade algebra and 5th grade spelling tests in the middle of Zoom calls and emails to clients. It means a routine that is casual but boring. [...]

Supporting Employees During These Stressful Times2021-01-21T15:59:41+00:00

Wellness and Working Remotely


While working remotely has put some wellness programs on hold, creative companies are adding exercise to the workday and enabling people to connect with co-workers. For some, the social interaction is proving to be just as helpful as the physical activity. Web conferencing applications such as Webex, Zoom and Microsoft Teams are making it easy [...]

Wellness and Working Remotely2020-09-24T15:35:07+00:00

Do Your Children Need a Pediatrician?


According to HealthDay News, a study covering millions of children age 17 and younger showed that overall visits to pediatricians in the U.S. fell by 14% from 2008 to 2016, with sick visits dropping by 24%. At the same time, however, well-child preventive visits increased by 10%. Researchers mention increasing out-of-pocket costs and the increased [...]

Do Your Children Need a Pediatrician?2020-07-16T14:31:06+00:00

More Seniors Working


According to a new Harris pole conducted for TD Ameritrade, more than half of Americans age 40 and older plan to continue working after they retire. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York adds that the number of workers 55 and older has been rising since 2000. While the percentages dropped for older workers, [...]

More Seniors Working2020-03-26T18:19:34+00:00

Is there really a “right” way to do worksite wellness?


Wellness must be relevant and easily accessible to your employees. Studies have shown that worksite wellness programs generate anywhere from $1.50 to $6.00 in healthcare savings for every dollar spent. Our worksite wellness subsidiary, Corporate Fitness & Health (CF&H), confirms that the vast majority of clients agree that their program has lowered healthcare costs and [...]

Is there really a “right” way to do worksite wellness?2020-02-27T15:02:25+00:00

Wellness Budgets Rising


While the National Business Group on Health has forecasted a 5% increase in the cost of healthcare benefits, others are expecting employers to dedicate more resources to health and wellness. More emphasis will also be placed on the use of digital tools to identify lower cost providers and boost employee engagement. Experts say the trend [...]

Wellness Budgets Rising2020-02-13T15:41:55+00:00

Walmart offers to pay for employees’ health care degrees


This article was published on September 27, 2019 on written by Jack Craver. The retail giant hopes the offer will yield a stock of qualified professionals to staff its rapidly growing network of health care providers. In part of an effort to expand its health care business, Walmart is expanding its offering of nearly [...]

Walmart offers to pay for employees’ health care degrees2019-10-02T18:29:10+00:00

How Will You Celebrate National Employee Health & Fitness Day?


Wednesday, May 15th is National Employee Health & Fitness Day and it’s a great opportunity to remind your employees about the importance and benefits of regular exercise! Exercise has been linked to numerous benefits, such as reducing your risk for chronic health issues like heart disease, diabetes, depression and several types of cancer. And yet [...]

How Will You Celebrate National Employee Health & Fitness Day?2019-05-10T08:10:32+00:00

Getting Creative About Behavioral Health


With behavioral health conditions impacting one in five Americans, it’s no wonder we’re seeing more employers search for ways to provide members with better access to behavioral healthcare benefits. Statistics show that many employees, including some that are insured, fail to get the mental healthcare they need. Because self-funded health plans provide plan design flexibility, [...]

Getting Creative About Behavioral Health2018-12-20T08:00:44+00:00

Fighting Depression in the Workplace


While awareness of mental health concerns in the workplace is increasing, studies repeatedly show that not enough employees feel comfortable utilizing mental health benefits. Furthermore, many employees are often unaware mental health benefits are even available. With more than 40 million Americans living with depression, it’s more important than ever to make sure the workplace [...]

Fighting Depression in the Workplace2018-09-20T08:00:15+00:00
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