Public Health Emergency Extended


In late January 2020, The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a public health emergency declaration. Several payment policies and regulatory adjustments are attached to the public health emergency, including the Medicare inpatient 20% add-on payment, Medicaid matching rates, and requirements that insurers and health plans cover COVID-19 testing without cost-sharing, and waivers [...]

Public Health Emergency Extended2021-01-15T15:57:43+00:00

Virtual Waiting Rooms


With the help of mobile chatbot technology, a Phoenix-based network of urgent care clinics is helping patients check in remotely for telehealth and in-person visits with primary care physicians and specialists. By using their computer or mobile device to send and receive conversational messages, patients can complete forms and be directed to an exam room. [...]

Virtual Waiting Rooms2020-08-27T14:35:33+00:00

The CARES Act Impact on Employee Benefit Plans


CARES Act Employee Benefit Impact High Deductible Health Plans payment for tele-health. Effective immediately, the CARES Act creates a temporary safe harbor allowing HDHPs to cover telehealth services and other remote care without cost to plan members before plan members’ deductibles are met. This temporary safe harbor applies to all HDHPs, including those with plan members using [...]

The CARES Act Impact on Employee Benefit Plans2020-04-09T18:08:55+00:00

More Large Employers Offer On-Site Clinics


Some mega-employers manage clinics on their own while others outsource to clinic vendors or healthcare systems. Many provide clinics within their own facilities, but some offer near-site locations and even share a near-site clinic with other companies. Regardless of which model is preferred, more organizations with 5,000 or more employees are deciding that on-site or [...]

More Large Employers Offer On-Site Clinics2019-10-02T18:30:27+00:00

4 factors driving adoption of telehealth


This article was published on October 8, 2018 on BenefitsPro, written by Dan Cook. From online consultations to take-home self-diagnostic kits to remote specialist networks, telemedicine is suddenly everywhere. Photo source: BenefitsPro Five years ago, when talk turned to telemedicine or telehealth, the word “potential” either preceded or closely followed the discussion. In [...]

4 factors driving adoption of telehealth2018-10-09T14:42:31+00:00

States Moving Forward on Telemental Health


States are moving toward telemedicine to help students access mental health services. Minnesota and Utah have proposed telemental services in order to reach students with underserved mental health needs. Students with unmet mental health needs experience many obstacles, with conditions such as depression and anxiety negatively impacting their attendance and performance. Telemental health is being [...]

States Moving Forward on Telemental Health2018-09-27T08:00:25+00:00

5 steps to better care at lower costs for your sickest employees


Article as seen in Benefits Pro on October 12, 2016 written by Cindi A. Slater M.D. Open enrollment is upon us and for the majority of employers, that means offering employees a high deductible health plan. It is also the time of year when benefits professionals are most likely to remind employees to shop around [...]

5 steps to better care at lower costs for your sickest employees2016-10-28T15:36:37+00:00

3 key questions to ask about telehealth benefits


Article as seen in Employee Benefit Adviser on October 11, 2016, written by Stephany Verstraete Today widespread confusion persists regarding what is required to unleash the powerful cost savings potential of a robust telehealth benefit. Articles whitewash the landscape with talk of “average utilization rates,” and “check-the-box” options promising to do it all. The reality [...]

3 key questions to ask about telehealth benefits2016-10-17T21:50:30+00:00
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