Is Your Health Plan a Victim of Pharmacide?


Over the past several months, the Trump administration has introduced several ideas intended to fight skyrocketing prescription drug prices – everything from forcing manufacturers to display prices in their television commercials to having Medicare base payments for costly drugs on average prices in other industrialized nations, which are much lower than in the U.S. While [...]

Is Your Health Plan a Victim of Pharmacide?2018-12-06T08:25:36+00:00

Employees Are Spending More for Health Care, Using Less. Put a Stop to It!


Paying more for less is never a good thing, especially when it comes to employee health care costs. And while many people have become almost numb to this trend, Diversified Group is doing more than ever to help self-funded health plan clients fight back. With cost transparency tools contained in programs such as Pharamasense and [...]

Employees Are Spending More for Health Care, Using Less. Put a Stop to It!2018-01-26T21:17:51+00:00
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