Flexibility Means Retention


Research reported by the Execu Search Group shows that flexibility may very well be the key to keeping millennials engaged. Allowing more vacation time, better training and a more flexible work schedule, including the ability to work at home when needed, are keys that will make young people happier and more productive. The SHRM says [...]

Flexibility Means Retention2019-08-01T08:00:32+00:00

4 factors driving adoption of telehealth


This article was published on October 8, 2018 on BenefitsPro, written by Dan Cook. From online consultations to take-home self-diagnostic kits to remote specialist networks, telemedicine is suddenly everywhere. Photo source: BenefitsPro Five years ago, when talk turned to telemedicine or telehealth, the word “potential” either preceded or closely followed the discussion. In [...]

4 factors driving adoption of telehealth2018-10-09T14:42:31+00:00

Millennials Welcome a Personal Touch


After numerous articles advocating technology and social media as the only sources of information valued by young workers, a recent study by MetLife has shown that nearly two-thirds of millennials favored a one-on-one discussion with a benefits specialist when trying to understand their employee benefits. Believe it or not, millennials even lead other generations in [...]

Millennials Welcome a Personal Touch2017-05-12T08:00:45+00:00

How Can We Engage Millennials?


If you’re asking why the number of young adults enrolling in health plans post-ACA is falling, consider economics. Not only have many young people remained on their parent’s plan to age 26, but student debt and a slow, economic recovery have also taken a toll. This is especially troubling when you consider that people age [...]

How Can We Engage Millennials?2016-06-28T08:00:03+00:00
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