MassHealth Reinstates HIRD Reporting for Employer Sponsored Health Plans


The Health Insurance Responsibility Disclosure (HIRD) form is a new state reporting requirement in Massachusetts beginning in 2018. This form differs from the original HIRD form that was passed into law in 2006 and repealed in 2014. The 2018 form is administered by MassHealth and the Department of Revenue (DOR) through the MassTaxConnect (MTC) web [...]

MassHealth Reinstates HIRD Reporting for Employer Sponsored Health Plans2018-11-07T20:57:08+00:00

Outrageously High Healthcare Costs in Massachusetts Becoming Major Problem That Needs Solving


Recently, we came across a smart video that showcased Dr. Howard Grant, Pediatrician and CEO of Lahey Health, addressing the fact that healthcare costs in the state of Massachusetts are the highest in the nation. Not only did he give his opinion on why this is the case, but he also discussed what must by [...]

Outrageously High Healthcare Costs in Massachusetts Becoming Major Problem That Needs Solving2016-07-05T19:10:33+00:00
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