Tell Congress to Oppose Eliminating or Capping the Employer Exclusion


NAHU is very concerned about current proposals in Congress that would undermine the employer-sponsored health insurance system by eliminating or placing a cap on the employer-tax exclusion for health insurance. Eliminating the exclusion would also eliminate most of the advantages of employer-sponsored insurance while capping it would degrade the benefit and serve as a tax [...]

Tell Congress to Oppose Eliminating or Capping the Employer Exclusion2017-03-20T15:03:13+00:00

Trends in Employer-Sponsored Insurance Eligibility and Coverage


Michelle Long, MPH; Matthew Rae, MPH, MPA; Gary Claxon; Anne Jankiewicz; David Rousseau, MPH ; for the Kaiser Family Foundation The graphics below examine eligibility and coverage trends in employer-sponsored health insurance. Since 2000, the share of workers covered by employers’ health benefits at both offering and non-offering firms has dropped to 56%, with the biggest decrease among employees working for small firms [...]

Trends in Employer-Sponsored Insurance Eligibility and Coverage2016-05-04T17:37:26+00:00
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