How the End of the National and Public Health Emergencies Impact Health Plans


On January 30th 2023, President Biden announced that both the public health emergency and the national health emergency declarations due to COVID-19 would expire simultaneously on May 11, 2023. Below outlines the impact to private health insurance once the emergencies expire.  THE PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY (PHE) was initially declared by the Department of Health and [...]

How the End of the National and Public Health Emergencies Impact Health Plans2023-04-19T21:42:55+00:00

Public and National COVID-19 Health Emergencies to End


On January 30th, 2023, President Biden announced that both the public health emergency and the national health emergency declarations due to COVID-19 would expire simultaneously on May 11, 2023. Below outlines the impact to private health insurance once the emergencies expire. THE PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY (PHE) The PHE was initially declared by the Department of [...]

Public and National COVID-19 Health Emergencies to End2023-02-09T17:19:57+00:00

OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard on Vaccine and Testing Mandates


On November 4, 2021, OSHA published its Vaccine Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). The ETS obligates private employers with 100 or more employees to require vaccination or weekly testing and masking for their unvaccinated employees. Legal challenges have been made with more pending, but until those are resolved, employers should prepare for this mandate. All requirements [...]

OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard on Vaccine and Testing Mandates2021-11-05T14:56:40+00:00

EEOC Pandemic Guidance – Vaccine Incentives


On May 28, 2021, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) posted updated and expanded guidance relating to COVID-19 and the workplace. According to the EEOC, federal laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace “do not prevent an employer from requiring all employees physically entering the workplace to be vaccinated for COVID-19.” Specifically, the guidance addressed: Federal [...]

EEOC Pandemic Guidance – Vaccine Incentives2021-08-24T19:58:44+00:00

The Self-Funded Employer, Worker’s Compensation and COVID-19


Historically worker’s compensation does not cover community spread diseases (i.e., common cold/flu) because they generally cannot be tied back to a workplace. With the COVID-19 pandemic, some workers and workplaces have been deemed essential and present a unique problem when considering worker’s compensation coverage. As a result, some states recently have implemented amendments to their [...]

The Self-Funded Employer, Worker’s Compensation and COVID-192021-04-06T14:20:43+00:00

American Rescue Plan Act – COBRA Subsidies


On March 10th, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021(ARPA) was passed by both chambers of Congress and is expected to be signed by the President this week. The Act addresses several COVID relief provisions including another round of direct stimulus payments, unemployment compensation payments continuation, COVID-19 vaccine funds, and extension of the paycheck protection [...]

American Rescue Plan Act – COBRA Subsidies2021-03-17T16:18:03+00:00

DOL Guidance on Extension of Timeline Tolling


The Department of Labor (DOL) on February 26, 2021 issued the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) Disaster Relief Notice 2021-01 which provides guidance on the length of COVID-19 relief to be allowed under the Timeline Extension Rule. Background: On March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a national emergency related to COVID-19 and established that the [...]

DOL Guidance on Extension of Timeline Tolling2021-03-03T17:39:14+00:00

Regulating Off-Duty Conduct


When you consider that laws governing travel and social distancing vary from state to state, with a couple having no such laws at all, determining how your organization will regulate and discipline off-duty conduct is very challenging. And when an employee travels to another state that has different laws, which take precedence? Some experts have [...]

Regulating Off-Duty Conduct2020-12-23T16:30:17+00:00

Approving a Vaccine


Guidance recently released by the FDA outlining conditions for approving a Covid-19 vaccine includes a 50 percent benchmark, meaning that any vaccine must be at least 50 percent more effective than a placebo in preventing the disease. This is the same benchmark used annually to approve flu vaccines. In the announcement, Commissioner Stephen Hahn told [...]

Approving a Vaccine2020-12-17T15:15:50+00:00

Pushing Doctor Visits


With many patients still worrying about contracting COVID-19 by visiting a doctor or pharmacy, large healthcare organizations are sponsoring ad campaigns encouraging people to return to their medical providers. Print ads, TV commercials and social media ads tell people that returning to their doctor for regular checkups, emergencies or diagnostic tests is not only important, [...]

Pushing Doctor Visits2020-11-19T15:36:46+00:00
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