Hospital Consolidation and What It Means for You


In a handful of years, we’ve seen a resurgence in hospital consolidation, which is the merger or acquisition of two or more hospitals with the goal of combining assets and maximizing efficiencies1. PricewaterhouseCoopers deemed 2016 “the year of merger mania” for hospitals, physician practices and healthcare systems2, and so far, it’s living up to their [...]

Hospital Consolidation and What It Means for You2016-09-22T08:00:21+00:00

News on the New Proposed Healthcare Tax/Assessment in Connecticut (SB21)


Article is from theCT mirror | April 29, 2014 | by: Arielle Levin Becker Business groups question Malloy health reform funding plan Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s proposal to hire nine workers to help develop a state-level health reform initiative isn’t, in itself, especially controversial. But the way the governor wants to pay for it -- [...]

News on the New Proposed Healthcare Tax/Assessment in Connecticut (SB21)2015-03-13T18:02:26+00:00
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