How Is Your Health Plan Responding to Millennials?


You might be surprised to hear that millennials represent one third of the American workforce, but Pew Research Center confirms it. If your health benefit plan hasn’t adapted to the needs and lifestyles of these young people, you’re missing an opportunity to boost retention, build loyalty and enhance wellness. For starters, it’s important to realize [...]

How Is Your Health Plan Responding to Millennials?2019-03-14T08:00:39+00:00

Is It Time to Self-Fund Your Benefit Plans?


After reading the article included below, we couldn’t help but agree that the question every employer should be asking this year is…Should I self-fund my employee benefit plan? As the article discusses, this is a great time of year for companies to review their status, evaluate changes that have been made and consider new items [...]

Is It Time to Self-Fund Your Benefit Plans?2018-01-30T09:00:39+00:00
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