According to a Medscape survey of more than 19,000 physicians, the average patient spends between 13 and 16 minutes with their physician during an office visit. Given the short amount of time, it is probably best to focus on two or three things you want your doctor to address. It may also help to prepare a list of questions ahead of time. Here are a few you may want to consider.
1. Which health websites do you trust?
2. What is this medication I’m taking and why am I taking it?
3. If you’re a smoker, how can I get help to stop?
4. Are my screenings and vaccinations up to date?
5. What is a healthy weight for me and how can I get to that?
6. What do you do to stay in shape?
7. If you’re taking a prescribed opioid painkiller, ask if it’s really necessary and what else you might take?
8. What are some things I can do before my next appointment to make me healthier?
9. If a test is ordered, ask what it is for and what are you trying to learn from it.
10. When a specific treatment is recommended, don’t hesitate to ask about other alternatives.
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