With the Supreme Court decisions and regulatory challenges of 2015 behind us, it’s time to catch your breath and resolve to take better control of your healthcare bene t plan. Here are a few things to think about as you contemplate the New Year.

Look at TeleHealth – Many companies, large and small, have added telehealth to their healthcare plans in order to provide plan members with easier access to care. Email, smart phones and video physician consults are being used with increasing frequency to bring patients and physicians together in more cost efficient settings. We’ve partnered with TelaDoc™ which is the first and largest telehealth provider in the nation, founded in 2002.

Employee Well-Being – Concerns about the impact of chronic disease on plan costs and employee well being have encouraged more and more employers to introduce worksite wellness. From various forms of health promotion to disease management, these programs can foster better health, help prevent chronic disease and ensure appropriate medical treatment for those with chronic conditions. To learn more or to determine what type of wellness program can impact on your cost drivers, talk to us today.

Network or Not – If providers in your area are comfortable with pricing tied to an index, such as Medicare, reference based or “cost plus” pricing is an alternative that can deliver significant savings and true cost transparency. Depending on the makeup of your group and your community, direct contracting with a hospital or provider group could be another win-win. In certain areas, options such as these are proving more effective at containing costs than traditional PPO networks.

Transparency Tools – Speaking of cost transparency, we’d be happy to speak with you about “Real Time Choices”, a new mobile app from AHDI that we are helping employer groups implement. With a website and mobile app displaying easy to follow “traffic light” graphics, Real Time Choices enables members to compare prices for more than 200 common health procedures. It’s a system that gives members data to make informed decisions – convenient access to data members have always lacked.

Still looking for that one good idea? How about managing diabetes better? “Real Time Health,” another AHDI product, includes a cellular based glucometer and a 24/7 care support system designed to encourage and motivate members to do what’s needed to control their condition. Managing at-risk groups, such as diabetics, is one way you can improve lifestyles and control costs in the New Year.

Thank you very much for your business, we enjoy working with you and look forward to making 2016 your BEST benefits year ever! Please contact us if you have any questions or want more information on any of these programs.

For more updates, tips and trends on wellness and employee benefits, please click to view our Winter Newsletter!
